Monday, 14 May 2012

things about u

at work,they kept saying what they like about their boyfrens or husband and what not to dislike.although some were asking why i kept smiling was because everytime they talk about it,i remember all the silly things u do when u around me.if i can round up~~~                    
 Things i like about u
* u always make me smile after i cried so hard like a baby
*when i'm down,u would do anything to put a smile on my face
*u like to pinch my face and say ur not fat,u just perfect for me
*u always believe to what i say no matter how silly it is
*we always orders the same things like u read my mind or something
* u always have the best word of comfort to turn to
*u care for ur family and frens the most
*no matter how someone treat u badly,u never complaint
*sometimes u face just says everything to me
*the important thing is u r the 1st guy who dare to dream and have the courage and accept my offer and treat my like a real lady and act like a gentlemen and the best part was u accept me for who i am

For that i would to say thank you for being my guy all this time and i'm truly sorry if i've been a troublesome to u for the last couples of month and sometimes causing u to have headache

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

30 April my fren has officially become older than me:)

early of mac aku dpt text from kwn aku "BaLQIS da lme sgt aku panggil die bell je.die kate 'babe,jgn lpe befday aku t' so maknanye aku kne ade la kn? it was too early to say anything sbb die gtaw pon sister aku xkuar roster lg..xkn nk celebrate sorg2 kn.kebetulan befday die same ngn befday kwn die jgk..aku ajk die celebrate same dhla kate xnk pastu aku ngn bell celebrate cara barat..befday die sambut sorg2 bc doa selamat je.kitorg ade ape bc doa jgk..cume xdela penoh doa selamat.well the important day dtg jgk akhirnya.i was a bit rush sbb bru habis kje mlm.tdo kejap tol.pas selesai kje kt umh,aku siap nk g klcc bli kek untuk befday girl first nk pki tdg cmni but i blom sempat bli inner neck like this.If i pki ni,mesti boyfie i ske.i pon ske sbb nmpk kemas dan i luv the sytle:)
nak tdg ni tp sbb xde kne la improvise:)

nmpk jgk yg kt dahi tuh.spoil~~~

but then after arrive kt klcc niat di hati nk singgah cake sense tp ternmpk lak kedai vincci tgh sale plak tuh..sbr jela hati ni..aku smptla jgk bli sebentuk flower ring peah colour tu..SO LOVE IT!!..OK then aku g bli kek..actually aku xtaw nk bli ape sbb aku taw bell mmg ske chocolate then again i just order up coklat
american fudge..bunyi mmg superlicious kn?i promise to her i will be arriving around 4pm but due to sudden errands contohnye ttbe bank call kate"cik umairah,sy ehem2 dr bank ehem nk inform ur roadtax da siap,u available to take it now?"how special is dat?haha selepas aku wat tutorial kt staf bank tu berani buli aku.hikhik..aku bwk keta mcm watak villain dlm fast n furious.Staf bank tu agknye pelik sbb aku dtg penuh bergaya,(xdela bergaya sgt tp berbanding hari yg aku dtg wat tutorial kt die sakai2 je ).Dtg2 terus amik je roadtax then ade org block keta comel aku.aku masok dlm bank tu,ngn penuh jejaka termasok la bapak2 org,aku wat pengumuman."Assalamualaikum i'm the owner of myvi silver outside the bank.whoever think owns that Alza plz make ur self out now coz i'm so late because of ur action.tq"(Gile ape aku ckp cmtu ngn selamba,mesti la aku pki sunglasses even in the bank.hahaha..that guy minx maaf sbb die park behind kereta aku then smpt lak isap rokok pastu lpe kn..aku wat muke msm and ckp tq je..xde makna nk senyum.then aku tros rushing g ampang to pickup the befday girl..hehehe..pas pickup die tehn kitorg head to wangsa walk to buy ticket movies.rupanye bli avengers puas hati aku:)
balqis nasaruddin
after that kitorg g mkn at a very nice place name cozy place.Aku ade kwn kt sne kje as a chef.minx tlg die pegangkn kek pas kitorg finish mkn die bwk kn.

bell and oshin
while waiting for my spagetti
they were so hungry smpi spagetti aku dtg pon tgk je tln air liur:P

muka aku tgh thn gelak...hahaha

the befday cake:)

befday girl nk sgt her pic taken there

At last the day has come to end at i drop them off at home safe and sound.Dear Balqis,hepi befday,next time i'll bring the macaroon for u k buddy!